Week of April 25, 2022
This Friday will be our Dollar Day for the month of April. The theme is “Hat Day” so get out those hats. It could be your favorite hat, a silly hat, or any hat you choose!
Beginning May 1st, we will be announcing students who have a birthday on that date in either May, June, July, or August. This will be a great way for us to recognize our students who may have a summer birthday. (And they won’t all be at the end of the year.)
The Williams Elementary PTA has an apple bar planned during Teacher Appreciation Week (May 2-6). Please check out the link to sign up and donate items needed. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20F0E44A4A92EABF94-teacher
Our PTA has organized an online fundraiser to help secure funds for some larger projects here at Williams. We are now able to purchase spirit wear through the website https://apparelnow.com/williams-elementary-apparel
You are able to customize your order, pay for it online, and have it shipped directly to you. We will earn 12% of all sales. The plan is for this opportunity to be available for our community for the next year.