What’s Happening at Williams Week of 11.7.22
This is just a reminder that Daylight Savings Time has ended. Hopefully you didn’t forget to change your clocks and “fall back” one hour.
Remember that this Thursday night is our Family Literacy Night from 5-7 pm. We will kick off the evening with our annual Title I Meeting in the cafeteria and we will be providing pizza for dinner. Activities will include: Grade level displays, butter making, candle making, an Escape Room, old-fashioned games, Mad-Libs, and poetry. It is sure to be a fun night for everyone!
We will also be holding a Book-Swap during the Family Literacy Night. Students are encouraged to bring in books that they have already read and “swap them out” with different books. Tables will be set up throughout the school.
We would like to encourage families to donate Jonesville Comet clothing that their children have outgrown so that others may enjoy the feeling of wearing Comet clothing. Please feel free to send items into school or bring them in on Literacy Night.
The PTA is sponsoring a cereal drive as a way to help restock local food pantries. The drive will run through Monday, November 21st. On Tuesday, November 22nd, the staff and students will set up and be able to watch a “cereal box domino chain” throughout the school with the cereal that is collected. We are looking forward to not only helping out our community but having fun in the process.