What’s Happening at Williams Week of 11.14.22
It looks like the cold weather may be here. Please be sure that your child comes to school with appropriate outerwear, because, unless it is raining they will be going outside for recess.
Don’t forget that there is no school for students on Tuesday, November 15th. Staff will be participating in professional development that day.
Report cards will be coming home this Wednesday.
Thursday, November 17th will be our Picture Retake Day.
Friday, November 18th will be the Dollar Day for the month of November. The theme is Patriotic Day. We encourage everyone to wear something patriotic such as red, white, and/or blue, anything military themed, etc. and to donate $1 to the Student Activity Account.
Planning ahead to next week: We will be creating our cereal box dominos throughout the school on Tuesday the 22nd as a fun way to kick off the holiday. Please continue to send in those cereal boxes for our local food pantries.
Finally, please remember that if your child becomes sick and is running a fever, they need to be fever free for at least 24 hours before they should return to school. Additionally, if a child has diarrhea or has been throwing up, they should stay home.