What’s Happening at Williams Week of 12.12.22
Don’t forget that we will have dress-up days this week. They are as follows:
Monday, December 12th: Christmas Hat Day
Tuesday, December 13th: Red & Green Day
Wednesday, December 14th: Christmas Sweater/Shirt Day
Thursday, December 15th: Dollar Day: KP-grade 2: PJ’s; Grades 3-5 Comfy Clothes
As a reminder, we are going to have a Christmas program this year at the high school. It is this Thursday night, December 15th with grades K, 2, & 4 performing at 5:30pm and grades 1, 3, & 5 performing at 6:45 pm. Please feel free to have your children dress up in holiday attire. We are looking forward to an amazing evening!
We do want to remind everyone of our schedule change. Due to a rescheduled teacher PD day, there will be no school for students this Friday, December 16th. We hope that everyone has a wonderful Christmas vacation.
We hope that this week is full of fun and memories for our students. On behalf of the staff at Williams, we wish you all a wonderful Christmas/holiday season!