Please read for some bond FAQ's
These are our Pathways students who went on a "talent tour" at Aertech! The students learned a lot about manufacturing parts for the aerospace industry and what a job there would look like. The kids represented the school well. Aertech were very generous hosts!
This is one of the restrooms in the middle school. The restrooms have decades and decades of use and need to be renovated. This will improve the accessibility of the restrooms and the appearance which are showing their age. It was also an item the student committee I met with said needed to be done.
One thing to remember when looking at the replacement of equipment is the volume of use these facilities get every day. They get a tremendous amount of use every day. Now add that up over the decades.
Another point of pride! Please see attached images. Jenna Stanton is a recent graduate from JCS. This is an update she provided on how things are going for her. What I love about this is that she said the position was something she always wanted. And what did she do? She went out and got it. She stayed focused and put in the work. JCS is proud of this Comet in D.C.!
There are people that have questions about the ESSER funds. Here is a short answer. Go Comets!
Remember, tomorrow I will be offering a tour of the facilities and projects that we are looking to replace/renovate. It will begin at 10:00 a.m. and we will be meeting at the high school library. Hope to see you then!
Another point of pride! Please see attached images. Jenna Stanton is a recent graduate from JCS. This is an update she provided on how things are going for her. What I love about this is that she said the position was something she always wanted. And what did she do? She went out and got it. She stayed focused and put in the work. JCS is proud of this Comet in D.C.!
Good morning! I'm sending out a reminder that I will be giving a tour on Saturday morning at 10:00 a.m. to show what projects are on the bond proposal. I will be able to answer any questions you have. We will meet at the high school library. Hope to see you then!
Reminder that tonight's bond Q&A has been moved to Williams Elementary School. It begins at 5:30. Hope to see you there!
Fund balance questions answered!
This is the Jonesville High School chiller. It provides air conditioning throughout the building. It's the only school building that has air conditioning throughout it. It is the original unit. We had to have it serviced recently and we learned that the compressor and the control board are no longer manufactured. Additionally, the filter has to be replaced and the refrigerant it uses is being phased out.
The committee felt this was important to replace as the high school serves many functions aside from academic and athletic. We host other community events here as well.
I need to make a correction about the bond Q&A for tomorrow, Tuesday, October 3rd. Someone pointed out that the high school will be running multiple games, so I am moving the Q&A to the elementary library. It will still be at 5:30 just at the elementary library now. Hope to see you tomorrow! Go Comets!
Please read attached for an update and some great news!
The playground equipment was a P1 that the committee, and kids, felt needed to be addressed. The district insurance provider, SET SEG, did an analysis of it and there were five pieces that were out of compliance. I've attached some pictures of what they were referencing. The clear plastic that you see was because we had to remove a slide due to it being a hazard. Metal slides are no longer in use because of the danger. The other two pictures show the decay that has occurred over time. The playground is frequently used by the community.
The lockers were selected due to their age, functionability, and wear and tear. The current lockers are too narrow for today's student. They receive heavy use and are falling into disrepair. The committee felt that replacing these with more current lockers was important for students and building. This will also brighten up a heavily trafficked area.
The lockers were selected due to their age, functionability, and wear and tear. The current lockers are too narrow for today's student. They receive heavy use and are falling into disrepair. The committee felt that replacing these with more current lockers was important for students and building. This will also brighten up a heavily trafficked area.
I (Superintendent Weatherwax), will be holding a bond FAQ at Jonesville High School next Tuesday, October 3rd at 5:30. All are welcome to come and ask the questions they have about this very important bond. Hope to see you there! Go Comets!!!
Bond Focus
You can see this shed at the Hillsdale County Fair this week!
It was built by the Jonesville High School Carpentry/Construction Class. Mr. Dice and his students will be looking for new clients (in January) for some spring projects! Send an email to Mr. Dice ( to inquire about the possibilities.
The bond focuses on 3 areas: Safety and Security, updated furniture/teaching technology for 21st century, and critical infrastructure repairs/renovations.
This is the entryway at Jonesville Middle School. A safe and secure entryway would place a wall just inside the entryway (there would be door access as well but locked). During school hours, a visitor would ring to get inside. They would be allowed in but then they would still be in a secure vestibule. They would then have to be let buzzed in through the office (adult) or the school (student). This adds another layer of security for our staff and students.
Schools around the country have gone to this model and our high school currently has it. We need this at the elementary and the middle school. Go Comets!