From Williams Elementary School: Thank you to the 40+ volunteers who helped to make Project R.E.D. (Rural Education Day) a huge success! All 4th grade students went to the fairgrounds last Thursday for this amazing experience.
almost 2 years ago, Kristina Crabill
Learning about poultry
Mrs. Bolz-Sweebe's class
Animal station
Congratulations to our March Student of the Month recipients! These students were nominated by a staff member for being respectful. This quality is something that will help them throughout their lifetime. We are so proud of them! Pictured are 3rd-5th grade students.
almost 2 years ago, Kristina Crabill
3rd grade students
4th grade students
5th grade students
Congratulations to our March Student of the Month recipients! These students were nominated by a staff member for being respectful. This quality is something that will help them throughout their lifetime. We are so proud of them! Pictured are KP-2nd grade students.
almost 2 years ago, Kristina Crabill
KP & K students
1st grade students
2nd grade students
If you are interested in purchasing Jonesville Comet Track apparel, please use the ling below to access the store.
almost 2 years ago, Katie Griffiths
From Williams Elementary School: Students in the Fifth Grade S.T.E.M. Club worked with Mrs. Warner and Dr. Leising and recently completed their Michigan bird houses after studying their habitats and creating a natural nesting structure. Next up, investigating space and creating a model ROCKET!
almost 2 years ago, Kristina Crabill
We have been overwhelmed with shed requests!! The JCS community is awesome!! Thanks to so many of you who have expressed interest in supporting our Trades classes. At this time we have more than 20 requests for sheds!! I wish we had the time to build them all. Hopefully, you will have more opportunities to support our program. Our students are excited to build stuff. Next year we hope to have more students who want to do that. But at this time we are at our limit (and then some). The pricing comes down to materials and discussions with the client on what they feels is a fair price. Thanks! Go Comets!
almost 2 years ago, Erik Weatherwax
The Construction class at JHS is excited to begin building sheds after spring break. We have two confirmed clients and are looking for at least one more. If you are interested in having a small structure built (garden shed, hunting blind, playhouse, etc.), please contact Jeff Dice via text or phone at 989-246-4298.
almost 2 years ago, Katie Griffiths
Each year, the top fifteen seniors in the entire Big 8 conference are recognized as the Big 8 Academic All-Conference team. Students are selected by a formula combining simplified grade point average and college entrance test scores. It is with sincere congratulations and appreciation that Jonesville Community Schools is able to recognize Damion Scharer, Bella Maddox and Brady Wright as three of these top academic students. Jonesville Community Schools would like to offer Damion Scharer a second congratulations as he is the 2023 Big 8 Academic All-Conference team captain (the top academic student in the conference).
almost 2 years ago, Katie Griffiths
Big 8
Congratulations to JHS senior, Damion Scharer, on earning the distinction of National Merit Scholarship Finalist! In the fall Damion was one of 16,000 high school seniors nationwide and one of 465 Michigan seniors to qualify for the semifinalist status. After completion of his application and continued academic success, Damion was recently announced as a finalist, placing him in competition for one of 7,250 Merit Scholarships. Jonesville Community Schools is proud of your accomplishment, Damion!
almost 2 years ago, Katie Griffiths
The Jonesville High School staff was honored to wear their "Raise Hope & Foster Dreams" t-shirt (provided by Hillsdale and Branch County branches of MDHHS) to provide awareness around the great need for foster care. We are now challenging the staff of Reading High School to "Raise Hope & Foster Dreams"! Keep Kids in Our Community! Wear your t-shirt with school pride, While spreading the message far and wide. Our kids need places to lay their heads, Our county is lacking foster home beds. Children are leaving schools, teachers, and friends, Recruiting foster families will help end these trends. Our kids need us to do our best, To find loving families on our quest. You can help, it is simple you see, Just sport this shirt around the community!!!
almost 2 years ago, Katie Griffiths
From Williams Elementary School: Mrs. Snyder's class spent all last week researching a Michigan product: Faygo pop, Better Made chips, Hudsonville Ice Cream, Jiffy, McClure's Pickles, and Kellogg's cereal. Friday the students then presented their product to the class. and today they celebrated their research by eating these Michigan made products. The National Cherry Festival director also sent a care package to Mrs. Snyder's class. The box of goodies included: Great Lakes Potato Chips, Sleeping Bear Farms honey, dried chocolate covered cherries, tart cherry juice, Cherry Festival Preserves, dried cherries, and official National Cherry Festival pins!
almost 2 years ago, Kristina Crabill
MI products
MI products
From Williams Elementary: Dr. Distributive visited Mrs. Snyder's class from the Array Hospital on Wednesday this week. Students were suited up with surgical gowns, surgical gloves, and were able to pick a surgical utensil. Students were given patients like "Amy Addition" and "Matthew Multiplication". These patients had problems like 7 x 8 that the students had to use the distributive property to solve. The students did a wonderful job with their patients.
almost 2 years ago, Kristina Crabill
Dr. Snyder
Classroom "hospital"
Patient info.
Hospital workers
From Williams Elementary School: It was brought to our attention that the link that was recently shared to order a yearbook was incorrect. Here is the correct link: We apologize for the confusion.
almost 2 years ago, Kristina Crabill
Good evening Comet families! This is just a reminder that tomorrow Friday, March 10th is a half day for all students. Please make arrangements accordingly. Have a good night and go Comets!
almost 2 years ago, Erik Weatherwax
February Student of the Month Williams Elementary recently acknowledged students who were selected as a Student of the Month for exhibiting perseverance. Perseverance is a skill that will help them as they continue to learn and grow. We are so proud of them! Pictured are our 3rd-5th grade nominees.
almost 2 years ago, Kristina Crabill
3rd grade
4th grade
5th grade
February Student of the Month Williams Elementary recently acknowledged students who were selected as a Student of the Month for exhibiting perseverance. Perseverance is a skill that will help them as they continue to learn and grow. We are so proud of them! Pictured are our KP-2nd grade nominees.
almost 2 years ago, Kristina Crabill
1st grade
2nd grade
Thank you to County National Bank and the Jonesville Branch for supporting Williams Elementary School's Third Grade! County National Bank purchased copies of the book The Lemonade War so that the third graders at WES could incorporate reading into their economics unit!
almost 2 years ago, Kristina Crabill
Good evening Comet families! I'm sorry for the late message but our last issue was just resolved. We are good to go for school tomorrow. Thank you for your patience and we look forward to seeing your student(s) tomorrow!
almost 2 years ago, Erik Weatherwax
From Williams Elementary: We have been made aware that for some reason the all-call from last Sunday went out again. We apologize for any confusion. The all-call for this week should be going out around 6:00 pm tonight. At this point in time, we are planning on school tomorrow.
almost 2 years ago, Kristina Crabill
Good afternoon Comet families! A quick update on where we are at. Internet is up and running at the schools. JHS/JMS are both good to go. WES is having issues with the heat. We have people working on it but that's as much as I know right now. I want to thank Tom, Vern, Lucy, and others who helped keep the power going and moving food around so it wasn't spoiled. There were quite a few people who have been working to try to get our kids back in school. We are lucky to have them! I will give you another update when I know something more definitive. I hope you are all well!
almost 2 years ago, Erik Weatherwax