401 East Chicago Street Lucas Kennard Phone (517) 849-3210 Jonesville, MI 49250-1195 Middle School Principal Fax (517) 849-3213
Hello, JMS Families,
The health department is now requiring that any student who is a close contact (within 6 feet) of a positive case will now be required to be quarantined at home for 10 days. If a student is vaccinated, they do not need to be quarantined and would be allowed to stay in school, but must wear a mask for 5 days. If they are symptom free they may remove it then.
We started the year trying to go back to normal, based on the most up to date guidelines we had from the health department at that time. With the new mandates, we realize that we won’t be able to do what we had planned. We believe that learning in person is by far the most valuable way for your child to learn, while preserving some sense of normalcy. Because of that, I am going to have to change a few things.
Tomorrow afternoon, students will get a new schedule which will start the Tuesday after Labor Day. It will be very similar to their old one, and the only major scheduling change is their elective classes, and their order of classes. The biggest change will be that the students will now rotate classes as a cohort, instead of classes being mixed every hour. When we created this, we tried to listen to all the items that students, staff, and parents disliked last year and wanted to change. By making this adjustment, it will allow us to preserve almost all of the items that people wanted to see changed this year. For example:
School start and stop time remains the same: 7:45-2:40.
Masks are recommended, but not required.
Masks are required if you ride the bus.
Masks are required for 5 days if you are vaccinated and a close contact.
Students will rotate classes. They just will be with the same cohort of students all day (except when they have gym or band).
Students still eat lunch in the cafeteria, but they will have assigned seats.
Students will still get 10-15 minutes of outdoor time during lunch if they choose.
Students still have passing time and are able to use their lockers.
These changes should allow us to keep your child in person as long as possible, which is what we all want.
If your child has to quarantine at home, they are expected to keep up with the work in their classroom.
Teachers will be streaming their class to quarantined students. These will also be recorded.
Students will access their daily assignments through Google Classroom or Schoology.
Students are still expected to complete all assignments while in quarantine.
If you are ill, please inform us, so an exception can be made.
Work that is not turned in by the classroom due date will be scored as a zero and marked as missing. Failure to complete assignments will result in a lowered grade for that class. Participation in virtual learning and completing assignments is mandatory.
If you have any questions, please contact us at 517-849-3210
Thank you,
Lucas Kennard, JMS Principal