Weekly Update


401 East Chicago Street                              Lucas Kennard                               Phone (517) 849-3210                 Jonesville, MI 49250-1195                      Middle School Principal                          Fax (517) 849-3213

Weekly Update For 9/20/21

Dear JMS Parents,

Here are the important dates and information for the week:

  • NWEA testing will be this week for all middle school students.  We will be testing on Math, English, and Science on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday this week.  Please make sure that your child has a good night of sleep these days so they can do their best on the test.

  • Parents, we have an anonymous survey we would like you to complete.  Your responses will be very helpful in improving student relationships, learning conditions, and the overall school environment.  PLEASE take a few minutes to fill out this survey.  https://www.pbisassessment.org/Anon/k2G206Dz1u0 

  • Sports:

    • JMS Volleyball, Monday, September 20 @ 5:30pm.  Away at Homer.

    • Cross Country, Wednesday, September 22 @ 4:30pm.  Away at Onsted

    • JMS Football, Wednesday, September 22 @ 6:00pm.  Home vs. Homer.

    • Cross Country, Friday, September 24 @4:30pm.  Away at Jackson (Ella Sharp Park)

  • Students who are quarantined are required to complete all classwork while they are away from school.  Your teacher should have Google Classroom or Schoology set up to deliver all assignments and instruction.  Failure to complete assignments on time will result in a lowered grade.  If you are sick, please let your teacher know so an exception can be.