Weekly Update


401 East Chicago Street                              Lucas Kennard                               Phone (517) 849-3210                 Jonesville, MI 49250-1195                      Middle School Principal                          Fax (517) 849-3213

Weekly Update For 10/25/21

Dear JMS Parents,

Here are the important dates and information for the week:

  • Thursday - U of M/MSU dress up day.  Wear your favorite team for the upcoming game.  GO BLUE!!

  • Friday - Students can dress up for Halloween as long as their costume is school appropriate, and does not interfere with their learning.  IE: they can’t fit in their desk, it limits people’s sight, the costume is too distracting, etc.

  • We are going to start a fundraiser on Monday, which will last until November 12th.  Students will have the opportunity to sell virtually, without having to deliver products to people face to face.  We will be selling 8 different types of water bottles, pictured below.  

Please click on the following documents for more information:


Water Bottle 1 (Custom)

Water Bottle 2 (Metal and Plastic)

  • Sports:

    • Boys basketball starts MONDAY, OCTOBER 25

      • 7th 2:45-4:30pm

      • 8th 4:30-6:00pm

    • Practice will be held in the middle school gym.

    • If your child does not have a physical on file, they may not participate until they submit one.

    • Students are not permitted to be in the school after school hours, unless they are participating in a sport.  8th graders will not be allowed to stay in the school for the 2 hours before their practice.

  • After school tutoring and athletic study hall will be available every Tuesday and Thursday from 2:50-3:50.  Any student wishing to attend may show up as long as they bring work.  Athletes will know in advance if they must attend.

  • Quiz Bowl practice starts this Tuesday, October 19, from 2:50-3:45.  Please contact Mrs. Merz if you are interested.

  • If your child is absent from school due to an illness or appointment, please call the office in the morning and let us know 517-849-3210.

  • Students who are quarantined are required to complete all classwork while they are away from school.  Your teacher should have Google Classroom or Schoology set up to deliver all assignments and instruction.  Failure to complete assignments on time will result in a lowered grade.  If you are sick, please let your teacher know so an exception can be.

  • During sporting events, please talk with your child and remind them to stay off of the baseball and softball fields.  This is especially problematic during football games.  There is an area behind the bleachers where the students can play.  We are trying to keep the softball fields from any damage during construction.