Weekly Update


401 East Chicago Street                              Lucas Kennard                               Phone (517) 849-3210                 Jonesville, MI 49250-1195                      Middle School Principal                          Fax (517) 849-3213

Weekly Update For 08/23/22

Dear JMS Parents,

Here are the important dates and information for the week:

  • WELCOME TO THE FIRST WEEK OF SCHOOL!  School will begin on Tuesday, August 23rd, at 7:45am.  Doors will open at 7:35.  School dismisses at 2:40pm.

  • If your student is still worried about finding lockers, classrooms, schedules, or locker combinations, please assure them that any adult will be there to help them and there’s nothing to be worried about.  There won’t be any tardies for the first 2 weeks of school due to everything being new, and they’ll figure it out in no time.  We will make sure that everyone has everything they need and gets to where they need to be, there’s no reason to worry.

  • Parents, please remember that due to safety concerns, no parents will be allowed in the building.  You will have to ring the bell on the front steps and show ID for entering the building.  This is a district wide policy.

  • Students can log into Skyward at any point in time to check their schedules, locker number, locker combination, grades, etc.

  • Chromebooks will be distributed at the end of this week and/or the beginning of next week.  If you want your student to take a Chromebook home, you will need to pay the $20 insurance premium in order for them to take them home.  If you do not want to pay the fee, we will house them at school, but they will not be allowed home.  Once the majority of premiums have been paid, we can distribute Chromebooks.  You can pay them electronically here: https://jonesvilleschools.revtrak.net/ 

  • Sports practices will be starting this week!  If you signed up to play volleyball, football, or cross country, your coach should have (or will) be letting you know the practice schedule for this week.  If you do not have a physical on file, you cannot participate in any practice until that is done.  All scheduled games for the year can be found at: https://jonesvillecomets.org/ 

  • After school tutoring and athletic study hall will once again be available this school year.  We will announce when it starts along with the days and times.  Athletes will know in advance if they must attend.  *Students cannot remain in the school past 4pm, and should have transportation available after tutoring.

  • If your child is absent from school due to an illness or appointment, please call the office in the morning and let us know 517-849-3210.

  • Students who are quarantined are required to complete all classwork while they are away from school.  Your teacher should have Google Classroom or Schoology set up to deliver all assignments and instructions.  Failure to complete assignments on time will result in a lowered grade.  If you are sick, please let your teacher know so an exception can be made.

  • If your child is feeling ill, please keep them home.  Sick students will be sent home and required to be picked up.